Creating an NFT Collection on XRP Using React

Javier Calderon Jr
5 min readJul 13, 2023


Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have opened a new frontier in the digital world, revolutionizing the way we perceive ownership and value in the virtual space. But how can we harness the power of these digital tokens in a modern web application? Welcome to our comprehensive guide on creating an XRP NFT collection using React, one of the most popular and efficient JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. We will not only cover the essentials of setting up your project, but also provide you with the necessary insights to put your knowledge into practice effectively.

Before we begin, you should be familiar with JavaScript and have basic knowledge of blockchain technology. Experience with React and Node.js will be beneficial.


Let’s start by setting up our React application. Assuming Node.js is installed, we can use the command below to create a new React application using Create React App:

npx create-react-app xrp-nft

Now, navigate into your newly created project directory:

cd xrp-nft

Install the ripple-lib package, which allows us to interact with the XRP Ledger:

npm install ripple-lib

Wallet Creation Component

We start by creating a Wallet component, which will generate a new wallet on the XRP Ledger when mounted.

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { RippleAPI } from 'ripple-lib';

const api = new RippleAPI();

function Wallet() {
const [address, setAddress] = useState('');
const [secret, setSecret] = useState('');

useEffect(() => {
api.connect().then(() => {
const { address, secret } = api.generateAddress();
}, []);

return (
<p>Address: {address}</p>
<p>Secret: {secret}</p>

export default Wallet;

This component connects to the XRP Ledger when it mounts, then generates a new address and secret, storing them in the component’s state.

NFT Creation Component

Next, we create a CreateNFT component, which will allow the user to create an NFT with a custom name.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { RippleAPI, txflags } from 'ripple-lib';

const api = new RippleAPI();

function CreateNFT({ address, secret }) {
const [nftName, setNftName] = useState('');

const createNFT = () => {
const nft = {
"TransactionType": "TrustSet",
"Account": address,
"LimitAmount": {
"currency": nftName,
"value": "1",
"issuer": address
"Flags": txflags.TrustSet.SetNoRipple

const signedTx = api.sign(JSON.stringify(nft), secret);


return (
<h2>Create NFT</h2>
onChange={(e) => setNftName(}
placeholder="NFT Name"
<button onClick={createNFT}>Create</button>

export default CreateNFT;

This component accepts an address and a secret as props. It contains an input field to capture the NFT’s name and a button to submit the transaction.

NFT Transfer Component

Now that we’ve built an NFT creation component, let’s add functionality to transfer the NFT. The TransferNFT component will allow us to input a recipient's address and the NFT's name and transfer the NFT.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { RippleAPI } from 'ripple-lib';

const api = new RippleAPI();

function TransferNFT({ address, secret }) {
const [recipient, setRecipient] = useState('');
const [nftName, setNftName] = useState('');

const transferNFT = () => {
const nftTransfer = {
"TransactionType": "Payment",
"Account": address,
"Destination": recipient,
"Amount": {
"currency": nftName,
"value": "1",
"issuer": address

const signedTxTransfer = api.sign(JSON.stringify(nftTransfer), secret);

return (
<h2>Transfer NFT</h2>
onChange={(e) => setRecipient(}
placeholder="Recipient Address"
onChange={(e) => setNftName(}
placeholder="NFT Name"
<button onClick={transferNFT}>Transfer</button>

export default TransferNFT;

The TransferNFT component contains two input fields, one for the recipient's address and one for the NFT's name. The transfer button triggers the transferNFT function, which creates the "Payment" transaction and submits it to the XRP Ledger.

Final Integration

Let’s integrate this new component into our App.

import { useState } from 'react';
import Wallet from './components/Wallet';
import CreateNFT from './components/CreateNFT';
import TransferNFT from './components/TransferNFT';

function App() {
const [address, setAddress] = useState('');
const [secret, setSecret] = useState('');

const handleWallet = (address, secret) => {

return (
<div className="App">
<Wallet onWalletCreate={handleWallet} />
<CreateNFT address={address} secret={secret} />
<TransferNFT address={address} secret={secret} />

export default App;

NFT Metadata and IPFS

NFTs are often much more than just tokens. They often represent or are associated with a digital asset or additional information, known as metadata. For instance, an NFT could represent ownership of a digital artwork, a music file, a digital collectible, or even real-world assets.

While you can associate metadata with an NFT on the XRP Ledger, it’s important to remember that blockchain storage is expensive and not designed to store large amounts of data. A common practice is to store the NFT’s metadata off-chain and only store a reference to the metadata on-chain.

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a decentralized storage system that is widely used for this purpose. IPFS provides unique, immutable links to stored data, making it perfect for associating metadata with an NFT.

Here’s how you can add a metadata file to IPFS using the ipfs-http-client package:

npm install ipfs-http-client

Setting up the IPS Component

import { create } from 'ipfs-http-client';

const client = create('');

async function addMetadata() {
const metadata = {
name: 'My NFT',
description: 'This is a description of my NFT',
image: ''

const added = await client.add(JSON.stringify(metadata));

console.log('Added file:', added.path);


You can then include this IPFS hash when creating your NFT on the XRP Ledger.

NFT Marketplace

Once you’ve created and transferred your NFTs, you may want to enable trading of these NFTs on a marketplace. An NFT marketplace is a platform where users can buy, sell, or trade NFTs. The marketplace should be able to list NFTs for sale, accept bids, facilitate transactions, and ensure the transfer of NFT ownership upon completion of a sale.

Creating an NFT marketplace involves complex features such as auctions, bidding systems, and various trading mechanisms. To ensure the secure handling of transactions, you need to apply robust smart contract logic and follow stringent security practices.

As creating a full-fledged NFT marketplace goes beyond the scope of this guide, we recommend exploring existing open-source NFT marketplace contracts for understanding and inspiration.

Wrapping Up

Creating an XRP NFT collection using React JS is a complex yet rewarding endeavor. It involves various steps and layers — from generating wallets and creating tokens, through transferring NFTs, to managing metadata and considering trading platforms.

This guide should serve as a stepping stone to your journey into the exciting world of NFTs. As you expand your project, always remember to follow best practices, maintain security as your highest priority, and keep exploring new innovations in this dynamic field.

NFTs are more than just a new technology. They are a tool that empowers creators, artists, and developers to capture, communicate, and trade value in innovative ways. With the knowledge from this guide and your creativity, there is no limit to the opportunities that await you. Enjoy the journey!

Also don’t forget to check the Tutorials from XRP Ledger for how to code:

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Javier Calderon Jr

CTO, Tech Entrepreneur, Mad Scientist, that has a passion to Innovate Solutions that specializes in Web3, Artificial Intelligence, and Cyber Security